[SCOPUS] Lifia Yola Febrianti – The carrying capacity of GIS application for spatial thinking growth in disaster material
[SCOPUS] Lifia Yola Febrianti – The implementation of local environmental problem-based learning student worksheets to strengthen environmental literacy
[SCOPUS] Kiky Soraya – Collaborative teaching and attention-getting: Challenges and best practices for teaching immense size-classes
[SCOPUS] Kiky Soraya – Immensely apprehensive students’ views on the effectiveness of collaborative group writing to lessen evaluation apprehension
[SCOPUS] Kiky Soraya – Evaluating the performance of students through collaborative learning: Case study: Distance education program in Indonesia
[SCOPUS] Kiky Soraya – Gender differences in the use of SCREAM Rhetorical devices displayed on video presentations: (An analysis of undergraduate students’ persuasive presentations)
[SCOPUS] Kiky Soraya – The role of mobile devices to improve student learning motivation on distance learning
[SCOPUS] Kiky Soraya – Revisiting Massive Open Online Courses Concept in the 21st Century Era
[SCOPUS] Rahmi Yulia Ningsih – The Effectiveness of BIPA Learning Based on Blended MOOCs Learning Model