[SCOPUS] Kiky Soraya – Revisiting Massive Open Online Courses Concept in the 21st Century Era
[SCOPUS] Rahmi Yulia Ningsih – The Effectiveness of BIPA Learning Based on Blended MOOCs Learning Model
[SCOPUS] Rahmi Yulia Ningsih – The effectiveness of multichannel learning model at higher education
[SCOPUS] Rahmi Yulia Ningsih – BIPA for business communication learning model development through MOOC
[SCOPUS] Rahmi Yulia Ningsih – The grammar of Indonesian language: Case study of RBS students
[SCOPUS] Rahmi Yulia Ningsih – Analysis of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning method in speaking skill of BIPA students
[SCOPUS] Rahmi Yulia Ningsih – Forms of Language Errors in Speaking Practices of Foreign Students Through Online Ukbipa Application
[SCOPUS] Rahmi Yulia Ningsih – Analyzing learning model of BIPA: A case study of students in Vietnam
[SCOPUS] Chandra Kurniawan Wiharja – The Equivalence Problems in the Translation of “Pretext for Mass Murder: The September 30th Movement and Suharto’s Coup d’Etat in Indonesia”