[SCOPUS] Joice Yulinda Luke – The implications of using social networking sites for the academic and the non-academic staffs in two Indonesian private universities a case study in Bina Nusantara University and Pelita Harapan University
[SCOPUS] Joice Yulinda Luke – The Effectiveness Level and Positive Values of Practicing Translation Using Mobile App DUOLINGO for Indonesian Freshmen Students
[SCOPUS] Kristianus Oktriono – Portraying students’ challenges and expectations toward online learning in embracing industrial revolution 4.0 Era: A case in ELT in the COVID-19 Outbreak
[SCOPUS] Kristianus Oktriono – Transformative Process of Redefining Language Curriculum Post Pandemic Covid-19 in Higher Education
[SCOPUS] Kristianus Oktriono – The Analysis of Behavioral Usage Factor of Social Media on University Student Learning
[BIPA BINUS] Indonesian Survival Phrases by Language Center BINUS
[Academic Article] Proposing a simpler EFL Writing Strategies: Translation and Writing