Don’t you understand what “key signature” means in musical terms? This statement shows a clear comprehension of the concept that language is utilized differently in various circumstances. Key signatures are probably not a topic you will bring up if you are not a musician or a student of music.  

When linguists began to realize that language use is context-driven, the concept of English for purposes (ESP) was born. Because of this understanding, courses like corporate English, academic English, English for professionals in the medical field, and English for tourism have all been developed. 

ESP, in my opinion, is fundamentally a learner-centered methodology. This indicates that ESP courses are created to specifically address the needs of students as they relate to their goals for learning English. For instance, a course in ESP that aims to get students ready for college will concentrate on teaching them how to do things like read academic books, write academic essays, listen to lectures, and deliver seminars. For instance, while creating an ESP training for engineering, course planners should speak with seasoned engineering parts to determine the course’s objectives. Teachers can use a greater variety of texts that illustrate language use in a certain setting in their classroom by drawing on ESP ideas (Seto, 2013).  

Robinson (1990) mentioned that there are three variables in ESP, they are (1) ESP is goal-oriented learning. In this setting, learners study ESP because it has specific, and specific aims in academic and professional backgrounds with one another, rather than because they need to learn that language because of the language and culture included in it. 2) ESP material is designed and developed using the need analysis concept. The concept of needs analysis seeks to specialize, relate, and bring learners closer to what they require in both academic and professional fields. 3) ESP is oriented more toward adult learners than children or adolescents. This makes sense because ESP is generally taught at the secondary and higher academic levels, as well as in the professional or workplace. 


References : 

Seto, A. (2013). Speech acts annotation for business meetings. The Asian ESP Journal, 9(2), 119-147. 

Paulina Robinson, English For Specific Purposes (Oxford: Pergamon Press, Ltd, 1990), p.5.