International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is one of the most recognized English proficiency tests which assesses reading, listening, writing, and speaking ability of candidates who want to work, study, or migrate to English speaking countries. IELTS has two different modules: General & Academic Training. The General Training one is for candidates who would like to work or migrate to the English-speaking countries, whereas the Academic module is for study purposed.  The Listening and Speaking parts of both modules are the same, but the writing and reading parts are different. So, if you are planning to take IELTS test, here is the overview of the speaking part.  

 In the speaking test a candidate is interviewed by an examiner for about 15 minutes. The topics of the interview ranging from topics about daily lives to the current issues in the society. Overall, the speaking part is divided into three parts. The first part lasts for about five minutes of which the candidates are given questions related to their lives, such as their hobbies, work, study, favorite music, etc. This part is considered as a warming up stage. In the second part, the examiner presents a cue card with a certain topic for the candidates to develop a two minutes talk. Before speaking for two minutes, the test taker is allowed one minute to prepare and organized the two minutes talk. After finishing the individual long turn in the second part of IELTS speaking, the candidate will be given around four to five follow up questions related to the topic in the second part of the IELTS speaking part. In the speaking part, the candidates are assessed in four different aspects:

  1. Fluency & coherency,
  2. Lexical resources,
  3. Grammatical Range & Accuracy,
  4. Pronunciation.