Today, the approach towards the information is more convenient through internet that allows interactions and communications to be connected among people. However, human communication on which we can draw in understanding how to model and inform the design of user-system interaction emphasizes that language is dynamic, adaptable to the context of use, and emerges as a function of interindividual processes [1], [2].

Technology in communication used is to create interfaces that allow speakers to utter anything they want. The perfect speech-enabled system should require no training, therewith making human-computer interaction efficient. The current methods and technologies in Human-Computer Interaction are trying to mix former methods of interaction with other sophisticated technologies such as networking and animation. Since this new improvement can be categorized in three sections. They are wearable devices [3], wireless devices [4], and virtual devices [5].  HCI is related to social media. They use certainly connected with youths’ communication network diversity that is positively connected with social fundamental and subjective prosperity [6]. It also gives opportunities for communication or discourse about big issues on a global scale [7].

Social media is an important part of human life because it is a platform that connects one individual with other individuals around the world. The need to use social media does not look at age and social status. Like the Indonesian people themselves, the use of social media is very helpful in terms of communication, sharing information through posts in the form of status, photos, and videos, and getting various information that is being updated. For most individuals, social media has become an interesting source of information dealing with various problems in terms of cognitive burden, finding answers to specific questions, and discovering invaluable opportunities in terms of information exchange in social and economic fields.

Additionally, technology information through social media has become a platform for those who have many connections or networks and contribute to dynamic communication with their respective expertise and opinions. So, it is appropriate to state that social media has penetrated the application spectrum with tremendous impact [8]. It has various other functions including being used to communicate across cultures and adapt to other cultures, find new friends and find partners from other regions or countries, become a means of entertainment, information, education, advertising, business, tourism, and culinary.




[1]     H. Clark, Using Language. Cambridge University Press, 1996.

[2]     Garrod S., “Toward a Mechanistic Psychology of Dialogue,” Behav. Brain, vol. 27, no. 169–225, 2004.

[3]     W. B. and T, “Caudell, Fundamentals of Wearable Computers and Augmented Reality,” 2001.

[4]     M.D. Yacoub, Wireless Technology: Protocols, Standards, and Techniques. CRC Press, 2002.

[5]     K. McMenemy and S. Ferguson, “A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Virtual Reality,” 2007.

[6]     K. Y. Kim Bumsoo, “College students’ social media use and communication network heterogeneity: Implications for social capital and subjective well-being,” vol. 73, no. 620–628, 2017.

[7]     R. Petray, T. L., & Collin, “Your Privilege Is Trending: Confronting Whiteness on Social Media. Social Media + Society,” vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 1–10, 2017, doi:

[8]     S. H. Zeng, D., Chen, H., Lusch, R., & Li, “Social media analytics and intelligence. IEEE Intelligent Systems,” 2017, doi: