Jacky Setiawan, Stefanie Angeline Sanjaya


Service is an important thing in an industry. The measure is user satisfaction. This study aims to determine how much the quality of digital public services of Company X on the level of customer satisfaction. This research is a descriptive quantitative research with Partial Least Squares (PLS) data analysis method. The sample in this study were 31 respondents who were taken through a survey by taking a sample using purposive sampling technique. Based on the results of statistical tests, researchers found that service quality and customer satisfaction have a significant effect on each other. The better the service provided, the greater the satisfaction felt by the customer. Thus, this study can confirm the influence of service quality on the level of customer or customer satisfaction of 61,29%. The contribution of this research is intended for stakeholders in the digital-based service industry.

Keywords: Quality, Satisfaction, Service, Digital, Society, Transportation