We are over the moon to announce that one of our teams just achieved his Doctorate in applied linguistics, Dr. Alex Jhon, M.Hum.

 His dissertation entitled “Stereotyping in Written Discourse: A Study of Character’s Identity Representation in Fighting Games”.

The public defense was held on March 16, 2022 via Zoom along with 44 other participants who attended to give support for Dr. Alex.

We got to have Dr. Alex share his dissertation and doctorate journey with us.


  1. What was your dissertation about?

My dissertation is about a wide spectrum of character’s identities representation such as gender, ethnicity, social class, and many others in many written discourses found in fighting games. The fighting games I am using are Street Fighter and Tekken series.

  1. Would you tell us the most memorable experience during your writing?

Throughout the process of researching this topic, I love the fact that I was studying what I love, video games, or to be much more exact, fighting games. Analyzing every aspect of the characters’ identities was very enjoyable. I spent many times (before the pandemic) at ‘that’ coffee shop sitting for hours just to write about what I wanted to share. That was really fun! Even during the pandemic, sitting at home writing these ideas down was also still fun just because, like I said, researching what I really love.

  1. Why fighting games?

Since I was a child, I played countless games. I love all of them but somehow fighting games that gained my interest the most. The characters’ design and background stories were amazing back in the 90s and then getting complex in the 2000s until recent. I really love how these fighting game characters have been developing their visual and narrative representations throughout several decades now. So I asked myself several years ago, why not do a research about this? I am so glad I did this topic. One last reason is that it has been my long teenager’s dream to make my own fighting game(s), at least be a part of a team that created fighting games in the character’s design and narrative aspects.

  1. You are also an active faculty member and SCC of Language Center. How did you manage your time while also being a doctorate student?

Most of the time I managed to split which one is which but if I had to take my time off, I usually take one or two days to really focus on my dissertation. I was lucky enough to have very supportive team members in my office. What I can say is that certain sacrifice had to be made sometimes, difficult decisions and others however, when you choose one option then you have to focus on that one and be prepare for any outcomes, good or bad. It’s a lesson in life. ‘Do it and just don’t think of doing it’.

  1. What would you say to any uni students still pursuing their degree?

Pursue your dream while you have the chance, both time and financially. If you feel I am not that good or someone said it is impossible. Listen to yourself, do you think you can do it? If so, keep on moving forward because why? You are all awesome!!! Everything in life is awesome! Let’s be creative!

Congraduations, Doctor!