Yella Dezas Perdani

Industrial revolution 4.0 places a high value on digitalization that everything associated with production can be more efficient. The sample revolution can be seen in how people use Google Drive as cloud storage engines, how they use big data technology such as Grab and Shopee, and even how Tesla has succeeded in developing an unmanned car capable of autonomously transporting passengers. However, will everything that technology adds to our lives be profitable, especially for the humanity of humans? Thus, two years ago in Japan, an idea called society 5.0 gained attention. Society 5.0 is a concept based on the premise that society must humanize technology.

Moreover, Suwandi (2019:16) argues that the term of society 5.0 first appeared in Japan in 2016 and has since spread throughout the world, with the underlying concept continuing to evolve. Society 5.0 is a term used by the Japanese government’s Council for Science, Technology, and Innovation review in The Fifth Science and Technology Basic Plan. It also refers to a smart society that genuinely integrates the physical and virtual worlds. Although it is focused on humanity, society 5.0 envisions a new kind of society in which science and technology play a significant role in resolving pressing social issues while ensuring economic development.

After that, in welcoming society 5.0, especially in the education field, society must also be able to overcome some challenges. It can begin by changing the perception that intelligent people are capable of doing critical thinking, having creativity, and being able to solve complex problems (Puspita et al. 2020). Critical thinking is “is that mode of thinking – about any subject, content, or problem – in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skilfully taking charge of the structures inherent in thinking and imposing intellectual standards upon them” (Ideas to Action Team, 2021). Then, creativity is the ability to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others or (Franken, 1994:396). Finally, solving the problem is the ability to understand a problem and come up with an intelligent solution by combining logical thinking and imagination, that will be useful in anticipating future issues and taking steps to avoid or mitigate their consequences.

Additionally, the challenge is also will be facing in the technical aspect of education. The first challenge is the lack of knowledge of learning resources (teachers, students, and parents) on the use of technology, especially for our colleagues who are currently serving in areas where the internet network is not yet stable. Second, there is a need to promote digital literacy 5.0 (Suwandi, 2019:16). Digital literacy is the ability of an individual to discover, analyze, and convey the information on a variety of digital platforms and other media. Third, it is also essential to encourage lifelong learning. According to Wasabi Learning (2020), the ultimate secret to effectively teaching lifelong learning is to be a lifelong learner yourself. Lifelong learning is a deliberate and joyful effort to continue learning as we grow. According to LLCQ in Wabisabi Learning, lifelong learning consists of four pillars: learning to know, to do, to live together and with others, and to be. When effective learning is carried out, student creativity can be realized. This type of learning is possible when educators can select, design, and implement innovative and ground-based learning strategies that meet the needs of their students.

In drawing things to a close, industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0 are very similar that 5.0 uses technology more consciously. If the industrial revolution 4.0 modernizes people through access to technology, society 5.0 becomes an integral part of this technology in humans. Several things need to be prepared in facing society 5.0 to be able to keep up with the new era, especially in the education field, that those challenges should not be an impediment, but rather a catalyst for being genuinely prepared to usher in a new era in which technology and humans can humanize humans.



Binus Online Learning. (2021). Sejarah Revolusi Industri 4.0 dan Bedanya dengan Society 5.0.

Franken, R. E. (1994). Human Motivation (3rd ed.). Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.

Ideas to Action Team. (2021). What is Critical Thinking?

Jezard, A. (2018). The 3 Skills Set for The Workers in 2030.

Kresnoadi. (2021). Sejarah Revolusi Industri 4.0 dan Apa itu Era Society 5.0?

Puspita, Y., Fitriani, Y., Astuti, S., & Novianti, S. (2020). Selamat Tinggal Revolusi Industri 4.0, Selamat Datang Revolusi Industri 5.0. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pgri Palembang, 122–130.

Suwandi, S. (Universitas 11 M. (2019). Pembelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia pada “Era Masyarakat 5.0 (society 5.0)”qa (S. Macaryus, Y. P. Wicaksono, N. I. S. Sholikhati, & Ermawati (eds.); 1st ed.). Kepel Press Penyunting/Penyelaras: SUWANDI.pdf

Wabisabi Learning. (2020). 6 Powerful Ways of Encouraging Lifelong Learning.