Yeni Pramitha & Yella Dezas Perdani

Nowadays the world has changed in every part including education. The changes force people, and of course, all education parts and components related to education and business should assess their system. Should it be upgraded or not? The answer is absolute YES because the digital system in business learning is quite interesting! Before we begin, we should know about the meaning of the Digital System and business learning itself. A digital system is described in the Australian Curriculum glossary as digital hardware dan software components (internal and external) used to transform data into a digital solution. Digital systems are all around us in the form of computers, smartphones, scanners, cash registers, and digital ticket readers.

What about business learning? Now we will explain the meaning of business learning, or now it called e-learning business. An e-learning business is an online platform that educates people by imparting niche-specific knowledge or teaching a new skill. In this pandemic situation, it is a must that all people should know how to operate the system because now we are in a digital era that straightforward instruction can operate all things. For example, in the past, it took a long time for us to find some information. If we wanted to know about the basic information, we must read the newspaper or read books in the library, but now it is totally changed. We got all the information just in a second by using our mobile phone and searching it in google, and you can freely read it all that unlike what happened in the past when we should pay the newspaper to read the factual information or go to the library to find the information. The Digital era makes all things more efficient. Likewise, the source of learning and specifically in learning business. Before the digital era, all the resources came from the expert and books that we read, but now, we can choose any of the resources by a digital system like this. For example, we can read an online article or watch a video.

Furthermore, Mira Tayyiba (Digital Transformation Specialist) on the Digimind website said this pandemic is a momentum to push the digital transformation. Because in this situation, eCommerce has become one of the economic drivers that can give a movement to the economic side. Nevertheless, people who still do the traditional way to trade will feel unfair because they cannot survive and do not know how to use the system. Besides, not all of them can effort to use the digital system. They did not know about the thing in online business like how to do digital marketing, set the target market, and advertise their product. All the things learned in the business model that they do not have.

So, what makes the e-learning business so popular and more efficient? Well, for students, it is because they offer much flexibility. They can choose their instructors, topics, learning schedules, and payment options. It is clearly can make everything more efficient and transparent. How about the deficiency of using the digital system in business learning? First, not all places have an excellent signal to watch or to join the online class. Secondly, it needs a big server so that the system can be stable, and the last while its maintenance it can be taking a long time to be repaired if something broke in the system.

Although that learning business in a digital system is also challenging because it is something new that needs more improvement, even though it is new, it can be the solution for all the agencies to cut the bureaucracy and make everything more transparent also.


Reference – what-is-elearning-business