Putri, E.H., Fadilah, D.R., Ivan,, Suhartono, D., Wiannastiti, M.
2016 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology, ICoICT 2016, 2016, 7571883
DOI: 10.1109/ICoICT.2016.7571883

Writing is a skill of marking coherent words on a paper and composing a text. There are several criteria of good writing, two of them are cohesion and coherence. Research of cohesion and coherence writing has been conducted by using Centering Theory and Entity Transition Value method. However, the result can still be improved. Therefore, in this research, we tried to use Thematic Development approach which focused on the use of Theme and Rheme as a method to analyze coherence level of a paragraph, combined with CogNIAC rules and Centering Theory to analyze its cohesion. Besides improving the result of previous methods, this research aims to help users in evaluating and assessing their writing text. To achieve these objectives, the proposed method is compared to previous works as well as human judge. Based on the experiment, the proposed method yields average result of 91% which is nearly equivalent to human judge which is 92%. Thematic Development also yields better result compared to Centering Theory which is 29% and Entity Transition Value which is 0%, given the same data set of beginner and intermediate simple writing.

LINK: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7571883