Wiannastiti, M., Sujarwo, S., Matthew, R.T., Oktriono, K.
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018, pp. 135–138

Since its inception, the demand for high technology in teaching learning is escalating. Presumably, a demand emerges in assessing students’ achievement by using technology. In language teaching learning, it is undeniable that the technology is also applied in assessing students’ language skills including writing. In assessing writing, in a common type, the process is carried out manually or typed in a word document. Based on the results, this research aims to explain the development of an integrated multimedia website for assessing writing and the potential of using the website for writing test. Questionnaires were distributed to 28 students joining English Professional Course at BINUS Online Learning to evaluate the promptness of the website for the test and the students’ sense of the website functionality. The result denoted that the website contribution is well-equipped to use as a tool and to test the writing skill. Moreover, the users were comfortable to exert it for undertaking the writing test. Equally important, the developments on the website require continuous improvement, especially for the variation of the questions including to add video and audio integration eventually.

LINK: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3178158.3178172