Wiannastiti, M., Sujarwo, S., Oktriono, K.
PervasiveHealth: Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, 2019, Part F148391, pp. 83–86

The advance of invented technology has influenced the world of education including for higher education. It leases the higher education institutions offer online learning program with the specific way of teaching and learning. This paper is aimed to reveal some challenges faced by the students in an EFL online learning class, to promote literacy activities in the class and to promote how digital literacy supports EFL literacy in this online class. Responses from students of an online learning class in their Learning Management System (LMS) Discussion Forum are used to reveal their challenges in joining the class Some suggestion of activities to promote language literacy, especially English literacy are provided to give step by step learning.

LINK: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3323771.3323794