Wiannastiti, M., Oktriono, K., Simatupang, M.S.
PervasiveHealth: Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, 2019, pp. 515–519

ICT has been implemented for language teaching in higher education since its advent. In the process, the utilization of ICT in language teaching has not comprehensively embraced for the level of digital literacies and the different context of universities. This research aims to explore the level of digital literacies at the universities and distinct context of General English (GE) teaching in two private universities in Jakarta. In this frame, the research describes the category of ICT implemented and the relevant aspects of the lecturers in both universities to teach General English. In supporting this, a triangular method of data collection is applied in the research. Technically, a questionnaire consisting of closed and open questions was distributed to lecturers from both universities. The data is analyzed qualitatively based on percentages indicator. The result revealed that the respondents have a good level of digital literacy. However, they lacked some knowledge and skills in managing the classes in an online platform. As a result, the research contributes to providing training to support them in coping with the need for teaching GE with accepted digital literacy.

LINK: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3377713.3377805