Putri, M.R., Luke, J.Y., Sela, S.T.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019, 1175(1), 012251

The rapid development of technology has impacted many aspects in education world. The technology development has challenged how education was brought to learners. The traditional way may no longer fit the demand. This research aimed to investigate the critical success factors in blended learning for English Training. Systematic literature review was established to reach the conclusion. 30 journal articles published in 2013 to 2017 were examined to gain the results and findings. The result showed there were 11 key success factors in delivering the English training by blended learning. The most critical factors were the course design of blended learning, the instructional model of blended learning, and the teaching learning method in the blended learning course. It was suggested in the future to emphasize the research on the various designs of blended learning, the tools for the online sessions, and the suitable teaching learning method in the blended learning course.

LINK: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1175/1/012251