Oktriono, K., Revani Putri, M., Sidupa, C., Nugroho Willyarto, M.
PervasiveHealth: Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, 2020, PartF168981, pp. 66–71, 3446601

The world of education has experienced very rapid development and devised a prioritized strategy in a disruptive era. This development is marked by the emergence of adaptive literacy in education. In this vein, it involved three important literacies, namely data literacy, technology literacy, and human literacy. Arguably, the development of education was also accompanied by the use of these three literacies in response to the Covid-19 and post-pandemic era. In this case, education undergoes an extensive transformation process to fulfil the learning process, especially learning English at the university level. Technically, this process involves a series of online learning activities and the use of appropriate technology to achieve the provision of skills, leadership, and social concerns. The reasons are related to communication skills, both oral and written, that enable the graduates to meet international professional standards by integrating literacy excellence. In this background, the research aims to describe the transformative process of the refining language curriculum that excels in the industry. This research uses mix-method. Besides, the respondents involve active BINUS University students who are contributively exposed by the industrial and entrepreneurial world. Data will be analyzed qualitatively. The preliminary result describes a process of redefining the curriculum of English learning that encompassed the utilization of technology and essential aspects of technology selection is more in line with the literacy era in the industrial revolution 4.0. Furthermore, this research will lead to curriculum alteration that is matched with the future industry needs eventually.

LINK: https://dl.acm.org/doi/fullHtml/10.1145/3446590.3446601