Yunus, U., Willyarto, M.N., Wahyuningtyas, B.P., Anindito,, Amelia, C.A.
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Information Management and Technology, ICIMTech 2020, 2020, pp. 176–180, 9211150
DOI: 10.1109/ICIMTech50083.2020.9211150

This study had the purpose to prove and explore how customer experience could build loyalty. The method was mixed research methods with examining quantitative and qualitative data. The result showed that there was an influence between customer experience on seller loyalty, the effect was 41,2 percent. The sellers have sold at Tinkerlust at least three times or more. The conclusion in the element of experience that most make them loyal to the brand was a way of communication and sales system that met their expectations. This study was expected to be able to contribute to people to participate in protecting the environment in a way not consumptive in fashion shopping.