Yunus, U., Sumbogo, T.A., Nugroho Willyarto, M., …Hanita Rusgowanto, F., Cahyanto, I.P.
Proceedings of 2021 International Conference on Information Management and Technology, ICIMTech 2021, 2021, pp. 1–5
DOI: 10.1109/ICIMTech53080.2021.9534931

The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of management information systems relates to international students in Indonesia and the US during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The Management Information Systems touched interpersonal communication between persons equipped with technology. Primary data collection techniques using interviews through the Zoom application revealed that communication through technology was essential during the COVID-19 epidemic. The results of the discussion showed that there was no significant change in management information systems in the learning processes of students in the two countries. One issue that was found, was adjusting to each other’s time zones. The student interaction protocol with the campus has followed the rules set by the campus without exception. While some students required assistance with digital technology, the students feel support to use information systems because they already knew the conditions through the campus website that had been prepared.