[SCOPUS] Gamal Kusuma Zamahsari – The Contribution of Assessment Platform Technology to Promote Teacher’s Work in Schools

Zamahsari, G.K., Putikadyanto, A.P.A., Maulana, F.I.
6th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media, ICIDM 2020, 2020, 9339634
DOI: 10.1109/ICIDM51048.2020.9339634

This study examines the efficiency of summative assessment in schools utilizing the thatquiz.com assessment platform. The objectives of this study were (1) to describe staff efficiency on summative assessment using thatquiz.com in schools, and (2) to describe the time efficiency on summative assessment using thatquiz.com in schools. This study uses a qualitative design. The location of this research is Junior High School 3 Malang. Data were collected through observation, document study, and interviews. Interviews were conducted with the vice-principal of the curriculum field. Investigation of validity data used triangulation, with additional interviews to the curriculum team and teachers at the school. Summative assessments using the thatquiz.com platform show the more efficient in terms of staff’s work as much as 17% compared to conventional summative assessment and a time efficiency of 44% compared to conventional assessments. The use of technology saves time from the planning, processing, and reporting stages of the assessment. The greatest efficiency is in the summative assessment processing stage because the costs of correcting or scanning student work, changing grades, and analyzing question items are not done manually. The use of technology with the thatquiz.com platform for summative assessment in schools can be an alternative solution to promote teacher work.

LINK: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9339634