Amalia, M.N., Zamahsari, G.K., Pratama, P.M.
Proceedings – 2021 7th International Conference on Education and Technology, ICET 2021, 2021, pp. 147–151
DOI: 10.1109/ICET53279.2021.9575077

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) has recently become a growing trend due to the convenience, both in terms of features and flexible services. Therefore, this literature review aims to summarize four things: (1) the strategy for developing MOOCs in language learning, (2) student success factors in participating in MOOCs, (3) MOOC from the teacher’s perspective, and (4) MOOC from the student’s perspective. The methods include a literature review of available articles exploring the research topic, i.e., MOOCs in foreign language learning, which was performed by finding relevant studies in the international journal databases such as Elsevier, ERIC, Emerald Insight, Springer, etc. The results indicate that if MOOC designers are drawn from cultural backgrounds, they must also pay attention to unique elements. Moreover, teachers and students think that MOOCs have a good impact, particularly as a form of professional development for teachers. MOOCs offer a unique learning experience compared to traditional learning techniques. On the other hand, students stated that they still required the presence of an instructor during the MOOC learning process.