Dewi, I.I., Suprato, D., Rifai, I.
Advanced Science Letters, 2016, 22(5-6), pp. 1299–1302

The term Speech Recognition is mostly associated to the technology used in helping patients or individuals suffering from speaking problems in their native language. In a different context such as foreign language learning, a study by Cox and Davies (2012) found that such technology could be used to predict the speaking competency of a group of students for a language training program. To extend the context of the study, we investigated whether the online speech recognition technology would show impacts in helping EFL students’ language competency in two skills: Speaking and Writing. In our experimental—observation study, an online speech recognition technology, was used as medium for students to give a small talk about assigned topics used in English high stake tests and have it transcribed the talk into texts. The nature of speaking and writing of the online application made it possible for us to analyze both the spoken and written expressions that students used. The students’ responses were then evaluated through the range of vocabulary and expressions they used, their fluency in expressing ideas and their accuracy in producing the sentences. By using result displays the results of students’ writing and speaking skills, as well as the language accuracy from the spoken texts they produced.