Aryusmar,, Luke, J.Y., Pawestri, N., Sela, S.T.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021, 704(1), 012028

This research aims at exploring Video-Based Learning that supports the success of flipped classrooms for Non-English Faculty. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research design with an interpretive-exploratory approach. It was conducted at Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta from March to December 2020. This study begins with the need analysis of qualitative data of the existing course outlines and the comprehensive literature review. After that, this study analyzed the quantitative data collected from the interview of 3 sample lecturers and the questionnaire of 30 sample students. This research found that (1) the Video-Based Learning that supports the success of flipped classroom for Non-English Faculty is urgently needed by students in universities; (2) it should involve some learning characteristics (a) student-centered learning, (b) internet and library access, (c) ecosystem to generate motivation to learn, and (d) contextual learning experiences; and (3) the English Lecturers and Students of Non-English Faculty have positive perceptions on it. Therefore, the Video-Based Learning that supports the success of flipped classrooms for Non-English Faculty should involve some learning characteristics (a) student-centered learning, (b) internet and library access, (c) ecosystem to generate motivation to learn, and (d) contextual learning experiences. The results of this study have implications to provide additional references in making video-based learning that supports the implementation of the flipped classroom.