[SCOPUS] Rahmi Yulia Ningsih – BIPA for business communication learning model development through MOOC
L. Y Febrianti, Devina and R. Y. Ningsih
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 704, International Symposium of Geoscience, Oil & Gas Engineering, Sustainable and Environmental Technology 2020 19-20 December 2020, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Citation L Y Febrianti et al 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 704 012033
The study examines to acknowledge the learning model development of MOOC-based BIPA for Business Communication. This research uses 4D learning model development (define, design, development, and dissemination). The analysis was conducted to the international students of BINUS University International, and further validated by experts and lecturers of the course itself. Based on the need analysis, BIPA for Business Communication program is an intermediate level of BIPA program aiming at preparing students to understand Indonesian actively, gain knowledge of the language and socio-cultural background for business communication purposes. Serving all that purpose, the learning model developed put its axis on the activity in business context. Taking Udemy as the platform for MOOC delivery, the development of learning model is referred to features at Udemy. The elements of learning covers; (1) Video-based learning content; (2) course content; (overview); (4) question and answer; (5) notes, and (6) announcements. In total, 10 topics BIPA for Business Communication can be accessed within the course. Expert validations indicate that BIPA for Business Communication MOOC perceives well, in which the learning model development is 3.75 with the indicator 3,4 < x ⩽ 4,2.
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