[SCOPUS] Chandra Kurniawan Wiharja – The Effectiveness Level and Positive Values of Practicing Translation Using Mobile App DUOLINGO for Indonesian Freshmen Students
ICSET 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on E-Society, E-Education and E-TechnologyAugust 2018 Pages 26–29https://doi.org/10.1145/3268808.3268834
This study identifies the effectiveness and positive values of using mobile translation app namely DUOLINGO for translating bilingual texts for Indonesian freshmen students. There were thirty undergraduate students from English in Focus subject took part as respondents of this study. The data were gathered from the result of practicing the mobile application, DUOLINGO, for translating sentences from Indonesia into English. The data is also validated through a survey questionnaire to obtain the benefits of using the app for the respondents. To analyze the data, the study used descriptive qualitative analysis. The findings indicate that majority respondents viewed that the use of DUOLINGO app were effective to improve the translation accuracy. The respondents also experienced positive values when using the apps, such as: ease of accessibility, self-improvement, time-flexibility. That’s why the findings signify that DUOLINGO is beneficial and accommodative to support learning process for undergraduate students.
Keywords: DUOLINGO, mobile apps, effectiveness, values, freshmen students
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