ICSET 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on E-Society, E-Education and E-Technology – August 2018 Pages 30–34 https://doi.org/10.1145/3268808.3268835

This paper describes the benefits and drawbacks of peer assessment toward fifteen (15) undergraduate students’ online video projects. The data gathered from participants’ video polling. It was analyzed using descriptive qualitative approach. The findings showed that the best video was chosen as the video signified the quality of the video content. In addition, the participants enjoyed doing the peer assessment because of its immediate feedbacks and stimulation to produce better videos. In contrast to the benefits, the participants’ experienced challenges, like confusion of assessing projects in diverse platforms. These results signify that the peer assessments are applicable for online learning to trigger students’ motivation.

Keywords: Feedback, online learning; peer-assessment; platform; video