J Y Luke1, S T Sela2 and U Yunus3

Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 729, International Conference on Biospheric Harmony Advanced Research (ICOBAR 2020) 23-24 June 2020, Jakarta, Indonesia Citation J Y Luke et al 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 729 012129

The pandemic of COVID-19 has tremendously shifted the process of facilitating learning for undergraduates. All educational sectors are influenced by the robust implementation of online learning. Students all over the world are also challenged to be adaptive and be resilient with the fast changes of ways to learn. In responding to the sudden shift to online learning, most of students demonstrate tedious works to complete all online tasks and assignments set by lecturers. Consequently, students become more responsive to do the online tasks rather than obtain life-skill competence such as communicative skills. This research aims to investigate quality of online learning and online apps used in the online learning that support development of learners’ communicative competence. The data of this research are from 30 BINUS University students’ responses on the survey conducted during implementation of learning from home. The respondents are involved in English subject online classroom. The data analysis was employed qualitative approach to describe the focus of the research. The results of data indicate the quality of online learning applied during COVID-19 breakout desired improvements in terms of content development, teaching and learning instruction, and learning evaluation system to accommodate the acquisition of communicative competence. Moreover, online learning devices were still lacking on catering the development of communicative competence. Overall, the research has proved that the quality and the tools of online learning are interdependent factors to reinforce communicative competence.