Indonesian Language session is a part of GBP Orientation Day 2021 – a virtual orientation session for students from the University of New South Wales, Australia. Held in January 21, 2021, the session means as a medium for cultural immersion for UNSW business students, hosted by BINUS Global.

The vibrant cultural session allows participant to learn and practice their Indonesian directly, as well as experience the cultural value. The Indonesian Language session is started as Ms. Devina from BINUS Language Center brings all participants together to start with several Indonesian phrases, and how to pronounce them. The participants are then asked to identify and produce Indonesian greetings, pronounce Indonesian alphabets, and produce small talks in general context. Some cultural insights are also addressed during the session such as the idea of being polite in Indonesia. Lively discussion and bright faces fill the virtual meeting screen, as participants enthusiastically practice the sound [r] and the use of [r] in a word.

In the end, this 60-minute discussion aids participants with phrases for self-introduction and simple questions for daily use.