English Online Symposium: “Transforming Technology of Teaching and Learning In The Digital Era”
English Online Symposium (EOS) was an annual English talk hosted by Language Center of Bina Nusantara University held on Saturday, 10 Oct 2020.The theme of the event was Transforming Technology of Teaching and Learning in the Digital Era.
The main purpose of the event was to facilitate information, knowledge, and experiences sharing among experts or practioners in terms of integrating digital technology in for teaching and learning in university context. By engaging in the forum, the participants, who mainly are BINUS FM, can pertain new innovations and creative ideas for supporting the implementation of digital learning in the era of 4.0.
This event was highly supported by BINUS Corporate Learning and Development (BCLD) and actively facilitated by three Guest Speakers from UTM Malaysia, UTS Australia, and BULC Semarang. The three presenters of this symposium discussed three sub topics as follows:
a.Dr. Norasykin binti Mohd Zaid (UTM Malaysia) : Asynchronous vs Sychronous Online Learning Practice among Social Science Educators
b. Dr. Siti Hajar S.Pd, MA Tesol, MEd (UTS Australia) : Coping with Online Teaching A Personal Experience and Reflection
c. Melania Wiannastiti, S.Pd.,MEd (BULC Semarang) : Optimizing Online Resources for Students’ Independent Learning
The event was really successful because there were around 111 BINUS Faculty members joined and engaged collaboratively for about four hourse and all 10 voucher-prizes were successfully won by participants. The committee and hosts (LC and BCLD) wish there will be more attendees and best of luck for the further event.
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