Hello again, Binusian and all readers! How are you this year? How are your English skills? Are you good at speaking, writing, listening, or maybe reading? Do you still remember that last year, Language Center held “Presentation In English Contest 2018”? As the response was well, this year Language Center has collaborated again with Bina Nusantara English Club (BNEC) to conduct another English competition event to enhance students’ English skills in both speaking, confidence, and motivation in participating in a competition. Thus, let us introduce you to the “English Speech and News-casting Competition 2019” event.
English Speech and News-casting Competition 2019 was held on Saturday, 22nd June 2019 and it is the second English competition which was held for BINUS freshmen students who are currently taking English Savvy and English for Written Business Communication courses. The competition is about delivering a persuasive and inspiring speech to the audience and also delivering news with a specific topic.
How do we join in the competition? It’s EASY and FREE. For the English Speech participants, they just only need to make a short speech video with any topic (free). The duration of the video is 2 to 5 minutes. Then, they submit the video to their English lecturers, who then will choose the best 3 of each class and submit them to the committee.
Same as English News-casting participants, they have to make a short news reporting video with “E-Commerce” business topic. The duration of the video is also two until 5 minutes. Then, they submit the video to their English lecturers, who then will choose the best 3 of each class and submit them to the committee.
Take a look at the snapshots of the participants in the competition below.
Here is the picture of the English News-casting Competition winners. Congratulations~
Congratulations also for the English Speech Competition winners!
Yeay! Don’t they look amazing? For those of you who are BINUSIAN and you couldn’t join in the competition, don’t lose hope. There are still many chances to prove and practice your English skills. Next year, Language Center is going to conduct another English competition, so spread the news and join us next time!
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