
Today we are going to take a look at some basic information on Ukraine and Ukrainian language in general.


Capital: Kiev
Language: Ukrainian
603 628 км²
45,5 million people

First, let us take a look at the capital, Kiev. This city has 3-5 million people and considered to be one of the greenest city in Europe.


Now, how bout the language itself? Ukraine uses Cyrillic alphabets. Ukrainian is considered to be the 2nd Most melodious language after Italian. There are 33 letters in Ukrainian alphabet.


Now let us take a look at some basic conversation, shall we?

Hello. Добрий день. (DOH-bryy dehn’)

Hi. Привіт. (prih-VEET) [informal] Вітаю. (vee-TAH-yoo) [formal]

How are you? Як справи? (yak SPRAH-vih?)

Fine, thank you. Добре, дякую. (DOH-breh, DYAH-koo-yoo)

What is your name? Як вас звати? (yak vahs ZVAH-tih?) (polite/senior)OR: як тебе звати? (yak teh-BEH ZVAH-tih) (junior)

My name is ______ . Мене звуть_______. (meh-NEH ZVOO-t)Nice to meet you. Дуже приємно познайомитися. (DOO-zheh prih-YEHM-noh poh-znah-YOH-mih-tih-syah)

Good morning. Доброго ранку. (DOH-broh-hoh RAHN-koo)
Good evening. Добрий вечір. (DOH-brihy VEH-cheer)
Good night (to sleep) Добраніч. (doh-BRAH-neech)

I’m sorry. Вибачте.

Goodbye До побачення.
(do poh-BAH-cheh-nyah)

Now you try it out!