
During my study years ago, I learned that speaking and how the brain functioned to produce speech are closely related. Speech is distinct within two types; hesitant speech and fluent speech. John Laver in his major phonetic study (1994) suggested that there are three main types of speech; continuous fluent speech, non-continuous speech, and non-continuous hesitant speech. (Field 2003:37).

I also learned about the concept of Slip of the Tongue and how the model affecting it such as; the use meaning of lexical search, assign lexical stress, allocate form at the level of phoneme, insert lexical items, and attach inflections (Field 2003:78). Those are the distinct model of speaking needs level. There is also a stage where a meaning-driven search of the lexicon, then there is also the stage of the phonological form, and finally the stage of which a syntactic structure is established (Field 2003:79).

From my own personal experience, they way I acquire speaking ability in either L1 or English would be the writing and phoneme acquisition came first. When I was learning Japanese and German, they have both different aspect of acquisition that I need to assess for my own learning development. In Japanese, I memorize the syllabaries and logographic more than just to memorize the phoneme, meanwhile in German language, I prefer studying the phoneme and also the morphological form of a word due to the gender-based words and articles. After I grasped both concept (with still the process of retrieving similar sound or form words in my mind), I try to specify the vocalization of the syllable or word studied. Those are my experience in acquiring speaking ability and also their obstacles. How about you?

Field, J. (2003). Psycholinguistics. Routledge, USA.