English Mastery Program 2015
English Mastery Program 2015 is dedicated to all BINUS lecturers. The aim of the program is to improve BINUS lecturers’ competency on English, which is proven by lecturers’ BINUS English Profiency scores equivalent to iBT TOEFL score. In 2015, the program has been started since April 2015. The second batch (period April – May 2015) was finished with sufficient results. The third batch (period June – August 2015) is still running. Totally, there are 6 six classes opened in the third batch. Four classes for English Mastery 1, one class for English Mastery 2, and one class for English Mastery 3.
English Mastery 1 is a short training English program for lower intermediate lecturers with an equivalence to PBT TOEFL score of 497 – 510 (an equivalence to iBT TOEFL: 59/60 – 64). It is expected that at the end of the training program, all lecturers who join English Mastery 1 can achieve an equivalence to minimum iBT TOEFL score of 65 (an equivalence to PBT TOEFL:513) with intermediate-level Academic English receptive skills and intermediate-level General English productive skills. On the other hand, English Mastery 2 is a short training English program for intermediate level. Lecturers who join English Mastery 2 should be those who passed from English Mastery 1 or those who already had an equivalence to PBT TOEFL score 513 – 523 (an equivalence to iBT TOEFL: 65 – 70). Also, at the end of English Mastery 2 program, all participants are required to achieve an equivalence to minimum iBT TOEFL score of 75. Similarly, English Mastery 3 is also designed for intermediate level lecturers with an equivalence to PBT TOEFL score 527 – 537 (an equivalence to iBT TOEFL: 71 – 75). All participants of English Mastery 3 must achieve an equivalence to minimum PBT TOEFL score of 550 (an equivalence to iBT TOEFL 79/80) at the end of program.

To accomplish the goal of each English Mastery program, every English Mastery participants must fulfill a minimum 80% attendance requirement and obtain a minimum passing score of each program. Besides that, all participants must practice all skills they have learned in the classroom by having high commitment to do self-learning (minimum once) during the period of training. The more the lecturers practice, the better improvement they gain.
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