PreUniversity Intermediate Class activities
On 1 June 2015, PreUniversity Students came to room 731 Anggrek Campus for BINUS English Proficiency Test as their first meeting. They gathered in Anggrek Campus at 07.20-11.00 to do their pre-test. All students had to do reading and listening test first before they did writing and speaking. The students showed a very great enthusiasm at the beginning. They asked some questions regarding the program before they began the test, and when the test began they kept focus with the test.
After the test, PreUniv students had to come to their class from Monday to Friday from 07.20-15.00. They had a lot of activities inside the classroom including lab work. They seemed so happy and enjoy the class. Some students actively answered their lecturers questions while the others listening and still focused on their books.
On the twelfth meeting, two days more to the exam (UTS), the students had a classroom activities with Ms. Masda as their lecturer. Ms. Masda gave a lot of motivation to the students and encouraged them to keep speaking in English everyday not just inside the class. They all enjoyed the class very much and we also even took a picture together 🙂
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