A Workshop for English MKU Lecturers
To encourage the use of online resources, on Thursday, 28 November 2013, Language Center held a workshop inviting excellent speakers from BINUS University. The workshop consisted of 2 sessions and was especially provided for English MKU (Mata Kuliah Umum) lecturers to both get informed and enjoy the day.
The first session took place in room 731 with Mr. Wishnoebroto, Language Center manager, as the speaker. He shared on where Indonesia’s at in term of English use and then on how to utilize online resources to develop teaching material. On the second session took place in room 411C right after the first session ended. We had guest speakers from BINUS International – Joseph Wibowo Center (JWC), Mr. Franklin Talaue and Mr. John Honeyben. They talked about interactive and effective teaching method in order to increase students’ participation. Frank shared a lot of teaching methods from Think-Pair-Share to Carousels and John gave away useful links for us, English MKU lecturers, to use/develop our teaching material.
It was a lovely day and ended with a very tasty Nasi Padang, which John found it very spicy!
Thank you, John & Frank!
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