[LC MALANG] LC Event: Academic English for Scopus Article Writing

Language Center Binus Malang held a two-day training for FM at the end of June 2022. The training was delivered by ibu Ria Arista Asih, holding a PhD in teacher education and professional development and a reviewer of Elsevier. She addressed problems and best practices in using academic English for article writing aimed at Scopus publication.

The training has enriched FMs with knowledge about how to present their article in the best ways possible, starting from the outline, introduction, literature review, research method, results – discussion, and conclusions. The tutor addressed the proper IMRAD and how to organize them effectively. She also shared expressions and grammar related tips in developing the article. All in all, the training has successfully assisted FMs of Binus Malang in improving their skills in writing articles targeting at Scopus publication.

Asih Zunaidah